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346. How to Reset Your Mind

The Unplugged Challenge Day One: Reset

The Power of Unplugging: Day 1 of the Unplugged Challenge

The Overload of the Digital Age

We're living in a time where everything we desire is just a screen tap away. Be it resources, courses, or mentorship, we're perpetually seeking the next big thing that will unlock our success. However, in this unending quest for answers, we're missing something crucial: clarity. Amy poses a fundamental question: "When is the last time that you unplugged?" For many of us, the answer is unsettling. The constant noise from the digital world drowns out our inner voice, making it difficult to hear what we truly want.

The Need for Clarity

According to Amy, the answers we seek in our entrepreneurial journeys are already within us. The problem lies in our inability to tune out the external noise and listen to our internal guidance. Unplugging allows us to get quiet enough to hear our thoughts, dreams, and desires. It provides the clarity we desperately need to make informed decisions that align with our true selves. Amy recounts her own experience of losing sight of her personal goals and how unplugging helped her regain the clarity she had been searching for.

The Unplugged Challenge: An Overview

The Unplugged Challenge is Amy's brainchild, born from her own need to reset and gain clarity. This three-day challenge, supplemented by a fabulous workbook, aims to help entrepreneurs reset, refocus, and regain control of their business strategies. In the podcast, Amy emphasizes the value of these practical strategies, ensuring that they require minimal time investment but promise life-changing results. By following her guidance, you will be better equipped to shatter any sales plateau by regaining clarity in your goals.

Day 1: Resetting Your Mind

Amy draws a poignant analogy between resetting a malfunctioning computer and resetting our minds. Just as rebooting a computer can solve many issues, resetting our minds can help us achieve a fresh start. This process begins with acknowledging our current state and identifying what we truly want. Amy encourages her listeners to undertake a time audit, a task designed to bring awareness to how we're actually spending our time. This is crucial for identifying habits and patterns that may be hindering our progress.

Acknowledging Your Current State

Acknowledging where we are right now is the first step toward gaining clarity. This involves answering essential questions about our current state and future desires. By journaling and reflecting on these questions, we begin to identify our true needs and wants. Amy's workbook provides several prompts designed to guide you through this self-assessment process.

The Role of Awareness

Amy emphasizes the importance of conducting a time audit to bring subconscious habits into conscious awareness. Much like keeping a food log when trying to lose weight, tracking how we spend our time helps us become more aware of our actions. This audit should be approached with curiosity rather than judgment. By understanding our current habits, we can make informed decisions on how to better allocate our time and energy.

The Importance of Personalized Goals

Another critical aspect Amy discusses is the personal nature of our goals. Success should not be defined by societal standards but by what we personally want to achieve. Whether it's a six-figure income or simply enough to take a family vacation each year, clarity about what we want and why we want it serves as our North Star. This personalized approach to setting goals ensures that we're working towards something that genuinely fulfills us.


In the hustle and bustle of entrepreneurial life, it's easy to get lost in the noise and lose sight of what truly matters. By taking the time to unplug and reset, we can regain the clarity needed to guide us toward our authentic goals. The strategies discussed in Amy's Unplugged Challenge are not just practical but transformational. So, take the first step today: unplug, reset, and rediscover the clarity within you.

Episode Links

✨ Join the FREE challenge and grab your workbook here.

Transcript for Episode 346. The Unplugged Challenge Day One: Reset

Amy [00:00:04]:

We're living in a world where we're overconnected. Everything is on demand. Information, resources, news, everything we could want and more is accessible to us at our fingertips. I have a question. When is the last time that you unplugged, put away your phone, put away the social media, and just sat with yourself? For many of us, we have a hard time answering this question. This is something that I, too, struggled with as an entrepreneur. We've become addicted to the hustle. We're so busy being busy because we want this success so, so badly that we enter into this endless quest of consumption to try and find answers, to find the quick fix, the solution that has to be hidden within that next course, mastermind, mentor, all of the things available in the online space.

Amy [00:01:18]:

But we're missing something. We're missing a huge piece of the puzzle in this endless quest. And that, my friend, is clarity. In our quest to find these answers, we're missing out on where the answer is actually hidden. And do you know where it's hidden? It's already within you. You have all the answers that you need in you. The problem is you're not taking the time to listen. You're not getting quiet enough to hear your voice because the noise of society is so loud that for so many of us, we don't want to listen to the quiet because it can be uncomfortable.

Amy [00:02:04]:

It can make us feel like, oh, my gosh, I know what I need to do, and that's scary. And if this is you, you are not alone. You are not alone at all. And I am so glad you have joined me for the unplugged challenge because this challenge is something I developed out of necessity for myself. A few weeks ago, I found myself in this cycle where I was lacking that clarity, where I had no clue what I actually wanted, where my idea of success was imposed onto me by others. I lost sight of what I actually wanted. But I have found the solution. I have regained the clarity that I had been searching for.

Amy [00:03:02]:

And it feels good. It feels so good. So good that I want you to feel this, too. Welcome in to the unplugged challenge. Today is day one, and if you have not taken the time yet to join our challenge, make sure you head over to unplugged and we'll deliver three days of podcast episodes designed to help you reset, refocus, and regain control of your business. In addition, we have a fabulous workbook that goes along with it that will really help you make those lasting changes in your business so that you get the clarity that you need. And if you haven't done so already, make sure you hit that subscribe button on whatever platform you're listening on. And that's going to make it even easier for you to find these episodes.

Amy [00:04:03]:

These strategies that I'll be teaching you, they do not take significant amounts of time. They're practical and they will change your life. Taking the time to unplug and regain that clarity is the fastest way to shatter your sales plateau. Because once you have that clarity as to what it is that you want, what you really want, out of your life, out of your business, you can make it happen. You can regain control. You take back your power when you have the clarity as to exactly what you want. And then we can make any financial goal that you desire. Reality.

Amy [00:04:51]:

It's possible. So today we're going to dive into reset. What does it mean to reset? There's always one story that comes to mind. When I was working in my nine to five job at a local hospital, we were very dependent on technology. We were electronic medical records. And inevitably, the computers always had glitches, were crashing all of the things. And I hated, literally hated calling our it department for help. So I would call them up, and every single time, do you know what they would ask me? Have you tried restarting your computer? Have you reset your computer? It's like, yeah.

Amy [00:05:39]:

Yeah, I did. What the heck does this have to do with you and your business? Sometimes resetting is all we need to do in order to get a fresh start. We need to reset ourselves. We need to reset our minds. We need to get back into that zone, into that area of focus, regain that clarity. But how? On page four of your workbook, I have a beautiful graph laid out. Today. And tomorrow we're going to focus on the first three components.

Amy [00:06:21]:

And then on day three, we're really going to dive into analyzing and adjusting to regain control. So let's walk through this clarity cycle. Step one to gaining the clarity that you need is acknowledging. Acknowledging your current state. What is it that you want? If you flip to page five, you're going to see several journal prompts that will guide you through. I want you to carve out time on your schedule, to really reflect, to get in there and ask yourself these questions. We need to figure out, where am I now and what do I want? Because after we take the time to do this, then we can get into, why? Why do I want this? And we'll talk more about that tomorrow. But once we have taken the time to acknowledge what it is that we want, assess why we want it.

Amy [00:07:38]:

Then we get into action. Then we start getting curious. Through a time audit, we analyze our results and adjust. We adjust how we're spending our time. We develop a daily power hour and a daily check in that works for us. This acts as our GPS. Clarity is our GPS. It is that north star guiding us, keeping us on track.

Amy [00:08:10]:

If I were to drive from my home here in Ohio to San Diego, California, and I did it without any clue where I was going, yes, there's some road signs that would kind of guide me in the right direction. But I know for a fact there's no road sign in Ohio that says San Diego is this way. No, I need to rely on some sort of a map, a gps where I'm putting in my end destination. And how does that GPS figure out the proper way to get me from point a to point b without 50,000 detours? It knows exactly where I am. So by knowing where I am and where I want to be, it uses the information to calculate the most efficient route. And inevitably, there's going to be speed bumps, there's going to be detours along the way, there's going to be traffic jams. But what does my gps do? It has the information so it can course correct if I start going off track. If there is a road closure, it can take me on a detour around it.

Amy [00:09:23]:

It is there to help me stay on track. And this is what clarity does. It keeps us on track because it keeps us focused. When our focus is scattered, our results are scattered. So today, what I really encourage you to do is we're going to start with a time audit. And the idea of a time audit can be a little intimidating. But I will tell you, this will change your life, because what it's doing, it's bringing awareness to how you're spending your time. Because once you have that awareness, then we can start to really regain control, refocus that time and energy and build the business that we want, achieve those goals that we have.

Amy [00:10:15]:

Our goals. Our goals are our goals. It doesn't matter. Everyone pushing the agenda that you need six figures to be successful? No. What do you want? Maybe you want seven figures, maybe you want eight. Maybe you want enough money to take your family on vacation each year. Your goals will act as your north star when you have the clarity as to what they are. Not only what they are, but why.

Amy [00:10:46]:

So if you go into your workbook, there is a whole time tracker. What I want you to do is start getting curious. Start tracking your time. You can get as granular with this as you want. There's no right or wrong way to do this. What it's simply doing, it's like a food log. How when you decide I'm going to lose weight, what is doing a food log? Keeping a food log do? It brings that awareness to how your eating habits are, right? To what you're eating. Because now it's going from that subconscious awareness to the conscious level.

Amy [00:11:26]:

The same thing with the time audit. What we're doing is we're bringing awareness to how we're spending our time and what we're doing within those periods of time. It's really interesting if you open up your cell phone and see how many pickups you had during the day, how many times that you tap that home screen, how much time are you spending on all of those social media apps. What we're doing here with the time audit is creating awareness. And I encourage you to do this for a few days, because what you'll notice is patterns will start to emerge. You'll see when you start to go down these rabbit holes of scrolling on social media, especially on those days where you're feeling really in your head and like you're not accomplishing anything, I want you to get curious. And that is the thing with this time audit. We're not doing this in a judgmental way.

Amy [00:12:18]:

We're simply doing it to get curious, to go, hmm, something's not working right now. And my job is to investigate and figure out what that is. And that all comes back to awareness. How am I spending my time? And what I don't want you to do is I don't want you to start making changes just yet. We'll get into that on day three. But for now, anytime you go to do an activity, mark it down. Okay. I scrolled on instagram for the last 30 minutes.

Amy [00:12:52]:

I wrote out an email to my list. I checked my email, I did this, I did that. Write it down. It's broken down by hour for you. But again, do what works for you. The key here is just getting the awareness, getting into the habit of writing down what you've done when you've done it. And something cool that can come out of this too, is you start to see, wow, I did get a lot more accomplished today than I thought. I mean, how often have you gone? I got nothing done.

Amy [00:13:26]:

I didn't do anything today. The really cool thing about the time audit is you can see what exactly you did accomplish instead of focusing on everything that you didn't get checked off the list. So, for your homework, I want you to make sure to complete pages five and six of your workbook assessing. Where am I and what do I want? And then tomorrow, we're going to discuss my number one strategy to help you refocused. And I am telling you, it is a game changer. I am here cheering for you. And until next time, cheers. To making the money you want so you can create the impact you desire.


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