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352. The One Investment That Pays Off Every Time

The One Investment That Pays Off Every Time with Corey Hudson

Get in the Room: Unlocking the Power of Growing Your Network

The Genesis of Success: Corey Hudson’s Story

Corey Hudson didn’t initially set out to create a conference that would impact countless entrepreneurs. Sitting on a couch at a San Francisco conference and striking up a conversation with a stranger turned out to be the pivot that propelled her career. Corey’s simple introduction to managing Pinterest accounts led to a successful business relationship, growth through word-of-mouth recommendations, and the inception of the Achieve Conference, which focuses on helping business owners grow their audience.

"It's about providing space for people to connect," says Corey. That one impactful encounter highlighted the necessity of stepping out of comfort zones and actively engaging with others. Corey’s story is a testament to the importance of being present and open to life-changing possibilities that come from unexpected meetings.

The Magic of Conferences

Attending a conference is often seen as a costly and daunting task, especially for introverts. However, both Amy and Corey emphasize the unmatched value that comes from such gatherings.

  1. Expanding Your Network: Conferences are fertile grounds for making connections that can lead to new business opportunities, collaborations, and friendships. From small talk in lunch lines to intentional meet-and-greets, every interaction holds potential. Corey mentions, “Networking is number one,” echoing the belief that growing your network should be a top priority.

  2. Inspiration and Motivation: Being in a room full of like-minded individuals ignites a spark. Corey points out that the energy and enthusiasm in these environments are contagious, often leading attendees to return to their businesses with renewed vigor and fresh perspectives.

  3. Learning from Real-Life Successes: Conferences provide firsthand insights into strategies and tactics that work. Corey loves seeing attendees return year after year with substantial growth in their platforms and businesses. Success stories from peers offer lessons and shortcuts that can save time and resources.

  4. Putting Names to Faces: Meeting people in person adds a layer of credibility and trust that digital interactions often lack. Corey argues that face-to-face conversations help solidify professional relationships and bring out genuine passion and commitment.

Tips for Maximizing Conference Experiences

Here are Corey’s top tips for getting the most out of your conference experience:

  1. Engage Everywhere: Whether you’re in the halls, at lunch, or at a photo booth, introduce yourself and initiate conversations. Don’t be shy about swapping social media handles or sharing your journey.

  2. Be Present and Participate: Immerse yourself in all aspects of the conference. Attend different sessions, participate in activities, and make the most out of networking opportunities.

  3. Ask Questions and Seek Advice: Use the opportunity to learn from others, regardless of their status. Experienced entrepreneurs often welcome the chance to share their knowledge and provide guidance.

  4. Follow Up: Building relationships doesn’t end at the conference. Stay connected with the new contacts you’ve made through social media or regular updates.

The Return on Investment (ROI) of Attending Conferences

Is the cost and effort worth it? According to Corey, absolutely. She comments, “I have never once regretted attending or speaking at a conference.” The long-term benefits, from business growth to personal development, far outweigh the initial investment.

Higher education, networking opportunities, and the overall experience foster an environment where success thrives. The Achieve Conference, in particular, not only provides a dynamic learning experience but also equips participants with a tangible workbook containing actionable insights to implement in their businesses.

Achieve Conference: The Ultimate Growth Opportunity

Scheduled for October 14-16, 2024, in Waco, Texas, the Achieve Conference promises a transformative experience for entrepreneurs. With a specific focus on small business, content creation, and affiliate marketing, attendees can expect practical, advanced education paired with invaluable networking opportunities.

For those ready to "get in the room," Corey offers an exclusive discount code, ROOM, for $200 off the ticket price, making the investment even more accessible.


In the competitive world of entrepreneurship, those willing to step out and connect with others are often the ones who thrive. As Amy sums up, “Seek to learn about others... you will become the most interesting person because you were the most interested.” So take the leap, attend that conference, and unlock the power of growing your network.

Cheers to forging connections that transform businesses and lives!

Episode Links

Save $200 on your ticket to The Achieve Conference in Waco, TX October 14-16 with code ROOM. Visit to grab your ticket!

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Transcript for Episode 352. The One Investment That Pays Off Every Time

Amy [00:00:03]:

One of the easiest ways to grow your business is by getting in the room. And I'll tell you what, if you're an introvert like me, that can be a little bit scary. But I'm telling you, if you put yourself out there and get in the room, it helps you grow your audience. It helps you grow your reach. And today's guest, Corey Hudson, who is the founder of the achieve conference, is here to teach us why getting in the room is so vital. And as a Pinterest strategist and conference founder, her passion is helping business owners do just this, grow their audience. Corey, I'm so excited to dive into this topic with you today. Now, I would love to know, did you always set out to host a conference, or was this something that just kind of happened one day? You had an idea and went for.

Corey Hudson [00:01:02]:

It and definitely was not the plan from the beginning, but it has definitely changed my mind and my life ever since then. So I love to tell this story about how I got started. I went to a conference in San Francisco, which isn't that far from where I live, and I sat on a couch. I didn't know anybody. And the lady next to me, I recognized her immediately from Instagram when we started talking. And then I went and I introduced myself. I said, I'm Corey. I manage Pinterest, Pinterest accounts.

Corey Hudson [00:01:35]:

Can I do yours for you? And long story short, I did it. It was successful. We've been friends ever since. And that one sitting on the couch, that one networking opportunity, like, started my entire career. And here we are today. If I never, I swear, if I never went to that conference or sat on that couch, I would not be here today. She ended up, you know, word of mouth. Oh, so and so is doing my Pinterest.

Corey Hudson [00:02:02]:

Hire her, and then so and so. And it just grew and grew and grew. So my favorite thing is to give back and give people opportunities to sit on the couch and network.

Amy [00:02:12]:

I love that because, yeah, it's about providing space for people to connect with one another. There's so much opportunity all around us, but often we're so focused on our own obstacles that we're not opening ourselves up to those opportunities. And by getting in the room, by having that chance encounter with a woman that you had met online, found yourself sitting next to or at a conference, it's very serendipitous in a way, but as business owners is something that we really need to do. We need to get out of our comfort zones and put ourselves out there to really open ourselves up. To the opportunities. And that's something you said, too, is the word of mouth. Then you guys really became referral partners. And that word of mouth advertising is powerful.

Corey Hudson [00:03:01]:

It really, and it really is in those connections, because you're all there doing the same thing. You're all nervous. You're all like, oh, I don't know what to do. You know, like, and that's when the magic happens. Plus, what you learn at these events is sometimes, like, what's working for others. Like, oh, I've already kind of been where you're at, and I grew x, y, and z. Like, the little snippets you learn. Besides, the friends you make are what really just skyrockets.

Corey Hudson [00:03:28]:

You, like, literally, like, we, I have people who come in there, you know, maybe just starting out on their platform or choice. Normally that's Instagram or TikTok nowadays, and then like, a year later, they come back and they're like, you know, hundreds of thousands of followers and being really good. And it's just so nice seeing that. It's like, anybody can do it. It's just you gotta get down, buckle down and do it. So conferences are just, they get you excited to want to, like, dive in and do it, and then the networking is just number one, right?

Amy [00:04:00]:

And you're, you're growing your network, you're expanding those connections. And like you said, it does invigorate you. I know whenever I come back from a conference, I'm so lit up just from the energy of being in the room with people that get me, people that understand what I'm doing, because still to this day, a lot of my family is like, I don't know what you do. I do not understand how you make money online. And it's like, listen, like, I don't need you to understand. I don't need to explain it to you, but to find those people that do get it, there's just something about that you feel so supported, and, yeah, you come away with business besties. I mean, I've had my business transformed because of people, people that I have met in real life.

Corey Hudson [00:04:46]:

And at the chief conference, the conference is we really strive to, like, make sure there's those opportunities. There's literally a couch there. Like, we have small and big gatherings. So when you come and we make it known, like, if you're, you know, maybe newer or a little shyer, like, that's fine. We have groups. Like, we make sure to really bring you out of that and make sure that you get the best of it. Besides the education because meeting people is the best part. And just having, like, new friends to follow and learn from is always, you know, a bonus, too.

Amy [00:05:20]:

It really is. I've almost found myself becoming, like, a hall lurker at conferences. Sometimes when I'm like, well, none of these topics really resonate with me. I'll find myself just wandering the halls, and I run into the coolest people. Even if it seems like we have nothing in common, there's always something, because you never know who knows someone who. It's like that five degrees of separation, that Kevin Bacon thing, you know, it's. It's really crazy how when you just are a human, you're not trying to sell yourself. You're just literally forming relationships.

Amy [00:05:54]:

And that's really at the heart of business, at the heart of sales. Do you think it's also at the heart of growing your audience?

Corey Hudson [00:06:02]:

It really is. I think that the more, especially now terms of engagement and all that and all these platforms, growing your network is definitely, even if it's online, is never gonna hurt. And I just like other people, like to help other people. That's me. I'm like, okay, now I'm gonna follow you. I like to get in, like, get to know you, follow you, see what you're up to. And I have friends all over the United States that I keep in touch with and text groups and, you know, love just following their stories on Instagram or even Facebook or TikTok. And I still just stay in touch and just, like, love seeing and connecting with people, and that's just.

Corey Hudson [00:06:40]:

And they want to do that back to you. They want to see what you're up to as well.

Amy [00:06:45]:

Yeah, it's that law of reciprocity, you know, when you just put yourself out there and are willing to support other people, it really does pay back tenfold. And it's so underrated. I don't know where along the way, we lost sight of just relationships, building relationships and word of mouth advertising. It's so powerful. But we've forgotten somewhere along the way that there's a person consuming what we're saying. On the other side of the screen, there's people clicking on the things that we're posting on Pinterest. We are serving others. This isn't just about, like, the Amy show or the Corey show.

Amy [00:07:28]:

No, it's how can we support one another on this journey of entrepreneurship?

Corey Hudson [00:07:34]:

Yeah. And just meeting in person adds that whole more, like, level. You seeing somebody, meeting them in person. And, you know, so many times nowadays, everybody's an expert, like, for Pinterest. You know, like, everybody's a Pinterest guru. Like, I'll help you, but to talk to somebody and genuinely, like, meet them and just, like. And tell them what I do, and they see my passion and they're like, you know, they hear the success stories from you yourself. It's so much different than saying, I could help you grow your account.

Corey Hudson [00:08:06]:

It's just those in person meetups and conversations start, and then that word of mouth is what really helps, because that's what, you know, you get that clout, that backup of what you're saying is. Is true.

Amy [00:08:22]:

Yeah, definitely. So as an attendee to a conference, what advice could you give us to really start to maximize our experiences, to.

Corey Hudson [00:08:32]:

Just do as much as you can. Don't be shy. Like, even if you're just in the lunch line, you're going to meet and hear people talking and just introduce yourself. We have badges at ours, and we have everybody's instagram handle on it. Don't be shy. Go up to somebody. This is my handle. What's your handle? Just definitely try and do as much as you can.

Corey Hudson [00:08:53]:

If you don't, like, you know, say we have a photo booth, go take a photo anyway. Find somebody. There's props. Like, make it fun. Just try and get out of your comfort zone. Just ask somebody, hey, where are you from? You know what? Last conference I went to, somebody asked me, what are your shows? I need a new show to watch. And I'm like, oh, I've got you. So just don't be shy.

Corey Hudson [00:09:15]:

Get out there. Everybody's there to meet and learn, just like you are. So don't be shy.

Amy [00:09:21]:

Oh, that's such a great advice. And it's hard. It's hard to stretch ourselves outside of our comfort zones. You know, we like to be safe, but this is really what is going to help you grow as an entrepreneur. It's the willingness to, number one, show up to get in the room, and number two, to just be present, to ask, to get yourself building these relationships with others. And I love how you start. You gave us some conversation starters there, because a lot of times we're so worried about what people are thinking about ourselves that we forget, like, okay, you don't have to put the spotlight on yourself. Just be interested in the other people that are in the room.

Amy [00:09:59]:

Seek to learn about them, and then you will become the most interesting person because you were the most interested. That's what makes you memorable, not just going up to everybody, hi, buy my thing. Like, why do we think that's okay to do online, but if someone did that to you in real life, you'd, like, look at them and go, I don't want to be near this person. Right.

Corey Hudson [00:10:21]:

Shop my affiliate link now. But that is so true. And everybody started like, some people are like, oh, my God, they have a million followers. Oh. You know, and it's like, well, they started at the very bottom, just like you did, and that's okay, and maybe they'll share a secret with you. But they're just normal people who. Who want to help, too. They're there to network and meet people and learn, just like you.

Corey Hudson [00:10:46]:

So that's just like. And it's so much fun, like, when you open yourself up. I am not somebody in real life that is talkative or open at all, but at these things, I am, like, the first one. I am like, what else can I do? I want to participate in everything, and I just try really hard. And those connections and stuff do come.

Amy [00:11:07]:

Yeah. It's almost like a challenge I found to myself, because, like I mentioned before, I'm kind of that shyer, more introverted person, but I'm like, okay, who do I need to be in order to really step into that role, in order to help others, in order to really step into and fulfill my purpose? And I think sometimes we do. We forget that at the end of the day, we all started at ground zero. And I love nothing more than when somebody does ask me for advice. It's like, oh, my gosh. Like, you're asking me, like, thank you. Like, it's an honor. So I think we need to just stop putting each other up on these pedestals and realize, at the end of the day, we all, no matter what stage of business we're at, we all have our challenges, we all have our frustrations.

Amy [00:11:52]:

We all have our desires, are these huge, ambitious goals that we can achieve. And by opening ourselves up to being vulnerable and asking for help, we start to collapse that timeframe. Because the success leaves clues, right? They're all around us, and they're in the room.

Corey Hudson [00:12:12]:

Yes. And definitely networking. I don't think could ever let you down. I don't think I've ever heard a single person say, I bought that conference ticket, spent all that money, and I regret it. Just, like, the connections and the education. Like, one of the things that achieve is we really strive for advanced education, too. Brought the book with me. Each person leaves with the book.

Corey Hudson [00:12:33]:

All the slides are in it. So we really do push the education, too, because not only networking, but we want you to, like, go home and, like, grow your business and have tons of actionable tips. But I just, I feel like I've never been, and I've spoken at dozens of conferences I've been attending. I have never once regretted it one time. So I'm. Because we know it's expensive to travel, to book all that stuff up, so just know it's really, really worth it to grow your business.

Amy [00:13:03]:

Yeah. The ROI, it just pays back tenfold in so many different ways when you take that step back and assess. Okay. I mean, I include conferences in my budget every single year because I know the power of being in the room. But the fact that you're taking it a step further and providing your attendees with a workbook, like, if you're watching this on YouTube, that workbook is not a little flimsy piece of paper. No, she's literally giving you the slides so that you can put what you've learned into action. Because action is what creates momentum, and momentum, that's what creates results. So, Corey, for the listener right now, that's going.

Amy [00:13:44]:

Okay. This conference sounds amazing. I need to be in that room. Give us all the details. Tell us more about the achieve conference. When is it? Who is it for? Give us all the details.

Corey Hudson [00:13:57]:

Well, it is October 14 through 16th, 2024. So about six weeks away. And it's in Waco, Texas. It's not too far from Austin or Dallas. It's very easy to get to kind of central location. We love Waco, of course, magnolia, Chip and Joanna and all that. The conference center there is like top notch, brand new, state of the art. This is our third year and we are growing, growing, growing.

Corey Hudson [00:14:25]:

And we want everybody, men and women in any industry to come. But we specialize in small business and content creation and affiliate marketing. So we have classes, panels, all that good stuff on all the social media platforms in affiliate marketing, but also small businesses and e commerce are covered. So we just want, like we said, everybody gets a Kim Canyon book. You get to come and learn to, but you also get to just meet all of us and meet some friends. And it's for men and women of all ages.

Amy [00:14:58]:

I love it. I love it. What a beautiful space. Isn't it cool to watch, like, the evolution of the conference, too? You know, you go from year one to year three. Like, that's a big deal. That is a huge deal.

Corey Hudson [00:15:11]:

It's really fun seeing, like, we had our first sponsor come from Scotland and she's been a sponsor every year. Still comes back. She. We love her. Her name's Jillian Sarah design. She designs websites and she's amazing. And attendees that come back year after year and we're just like, yes, thank you. Like, we can't wait to see you guys again.

Corey Hudson [00:15:30]:

And then the new ones that come and learn, it's just so much fun. I mean, the photo booths and the DJ's and all that, the parties, like, all that's fun too. But really, at the end of the day, it comes down to, like, what you get to take home and learn and implement throughout the next year till the next time. But growing your business is obviously like, number one. And your bottom, you know, your income and stuff is always like top priority.

Amy [00:15:59]:

Oh, my gosh. This sounds absolutely amazing. So if you are listening to this episode and going, you know what, you're right. I do need to stretch outside of my comfort zone. I do need to start getting in the room and connecting with others. This is the perfect opportunity. We will link the website to the conference below so you can grab your ticket. But I am telling you, the lineup of speakers and topics that Corey has curated.

Amy [00:16:27]:

Oh, my goodness. Get in the room. Make sure you connect with her over on social media. And Corey, thank you so much for being here today. Thank you for creating such a beautiful space for entrepreneurs to come together to support one another. Thank you for providing the space. The space.

Corey Hudson [00:16:50]:

Thank you. Make sure to add, I can offer a dollar 200 off a ticket which brings it to only 397 for your listeners. So that is a very good deal. And we could just call the code. How about room perfect so it reminds you that you want to be in that room. Ro just room perfect. We'll get you $200 off. I hope you see everybody.

Amy [00:17:16]:

Yes. Oh, Corey, thank you so, so much for being such a beautiful light in the entrepreneurial space. I appreciate you.

Corey Hudson [00:17:26]:

Well, thank you for having me. It was nice to chat.

Amy [00:17:29]:

And until next time, cheers to making the money you want so you can create the impact you desire.


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