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Lead Generation 101 with Amy Traugh

Lead Generation 101 with Amy Traugh

🎙 Listen to the episode on the top 2.5% globally ranked podcast,

The Motivated CEO: Business Strategy for Entrepreneurs,

available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, and all streaming platforms!

The Solopreneur’s Comprehensive Guide to Effective Lead Generation

Understanding Lead Generation

What is Lead Generation?

At its core, lead generation is the process of getting seen by your ideal client—those individuals whose problems align with the solutions you provide. This isn’t just about online visibility where anyone can see you; it’s about strategic visibility, where the right people find you.

Difference Between Visibility and Lead Generation

While visibility is about being noticed by a broad audience, lead generation narrows the focus to aligned potential buyers—those who genuinely need what you offer. The aim isn’t to go viral or amass followers indiscriminately. Instead, it's to attract quality prospects who are more likely to convert into paying clients.

Starting with the Basics

Identify Your Ideal Client

One critical step that feels counterintuitive is narrowing your focus to a specific type of client. Reflect on past clients you have enjoyed working with. Identify their challenges, desires, and what keeps them stuck. The better you understand their needs, the more effectively you can communicate your solutions, building a sense of safety and trust in your audience.

Ask Critical Questions:

  • Who is your favorite client, and what were their challenges?

  • What solutions did they seek that you provided?

  • What is not working for them and keeping them stuck?

By answering these, you can better tailor your messaging to attract similar clients.

Strategies to Get Noticed

Think Beyond Social Media

While social media is a powerful tool, it’s also a very crowded space. People often use it to escape or procrastinate rather than look for solutions. Explore other avenues where your ideal client might be. These could include industry forums, guest blogging on reputable sites, webinars, podcasts, or even in-person networking events.

The Sales Funnel and Client Nurturing

Understanding the Sales Cycle

Your goal is to guide prospects smoothly from being followers to paying clients. This sales cycle involves several stages: awareness, consideration, conversion, and retention. Knowing each stage helps you design targeted strategies to move clients closer to making a purchase.

Leverage Data Analytics

Use available analytics to understand your audience better. For instance, your email list analytics can reveal who is regularly engaging with your content. Are these leads aligned with your ideal client profile? If not, it might be time to tweak your messaging or weed out irrelevant contacts.

Nurturing Your Leads

Focus on Current Leads

Often, in the rush to gain more followers and subscribers, solopreneurs overlook their existing database of leads. These individuals have already shown interest in your business. Make sure to nurture these “warm leads” through regular, value-driven communication. Ask them about their challenges and use the data to refine your content and approach.

Engagement on Social Media

Use polls and analytics to gauge what resonates with your audience. Pay attention to who participates and engage with them. This builds a community around your brand, fostering trust and loyalty.

Utilize UTMs for Effective Tracking

UTMs (Urchin Tracking Modules) are invaluable tools for tracking where your traffic is coming from. By attaching UTMs to your content links, you can see which marketing efforts are most effective, allowing you to double down on strategies that are working.


Lead generation does not have to be an overwhelming task. It’s about focusing on attracting the right people, not just more people. Start by deeply understanding your ideal client and think creatively about where they might be. Nurture existing leads while continually refining your approach based on data and analytics. Remember, working smarter, not harder, is the key to sustainable growth and success.

Now is the time to apply these strategies and watch your business thrive. Here’s to making the money you want and creating the impact you desire! Cheers!

By following these steps and insights, you’ll find lead generation isn’t just about numbers but about building meaningful relationships with aligned clients who value what you offer. Get creative, stay strategic, and your business will attract the right kind of attention.

Episode Links


Check out these episodes packed with even more strategies to help you shatter your sales plateau!


The CEO Method: An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Business Success because I want to give you a FREE copy. Click here!

Transcript for Episode 361. Lead Generation 101

Amy [00:00:14]:

Last week, over on Instagram, I posted a poll and I asked, what is your number one challenge right now as a solopreneur? And the results were overwhelmingly for lead generation. I am struggling with lead generation. How do I generate leads? So, in today's episode, let's dig in and unpack this concept of lead generation and provide you with some tangible, tactical strategies that you can implement today in your business that don't require tons of time and energy. Because, let's face it, you're tired, right? You're busy running your business. Wouldn't it be so nice to have this pipeline of aligned clients, this steady flow of clients coming in so you did not have to worry where the next sale is coming from? Well, let's dive in and unpack this. So before we even start, I think it's very important to address the concept of what actually is lead generation, because there's a lot of misconceptions out there. Lead generation, simply stated, is getting seen by your ideal client. It's getting seen, getting noticed by your ideal client, that client that has the problem, that you solve, that challenge, that you have the solution to getting noticed.

Amy [00:01:58]:

So how is this different than visibility? Well, they are very similar, but visibility is getting seen by everyone. Lead generation is getting seen by aligned potential buyers, people that need you. So this isn't about going viral. This isn't about growing our Instagram account to over ten k followers. No, this is about strategy. This is about strategically showing up and getting noticed by certain people, not by everyone. So how do we know? How do we know? Okay, if I know I need to get seen by these right people. How do I do that? I know that's what you're thinking right now, because that's what I used to think, that.

Amy [00:02:56]:

Okay, I just need to get seen by anyone, because I can help anyone. Well, no, what we really need to do is go back to the basics and start talking to that one person. Person. And this can feel counterintuitive, because in this world of social media, we're inundated with all of these things that we should do this. We should do that. Okay, we'll take a step back and ask yourself, who is that one person, that one client that you loved working with? What were their challenges? What were their desires? What were they doing that's not working and keeping them stuck? I want you to really go back to the basics and unpack all of those things, really dig into their challenges, what's going on in their life, because the more that you understand them, the more that you can call them out and tell them, I see you. I know you have this problem and I'm over here. I have the solution to it.

Amy [00:04:11]:

The more value you build with that person because they know subconsciously, okay, she gets me. She understands what I am going through. So what that is doing, that's creating safety. And people need to feel safe in order to buy, because right now, so many people have been burned in the online space. So they're very skeptical, they're very slow to invest because of all of these things that have happened over the last four to five years in the online space. So taking the time to really dig into who is that ideal client is so worth the time. And what I want you to do when you know who it is that you're speaking to, that one person that you're speaking to, I really want you to analyze. Okay, well, where is she? And oftentimes we focus so much on social media that we forget all of the other places that that ideal client is.

Amy [00:05:21]:

And in this very noisy world, it's important that we stand out. And I did an entire episode about this, and I will link it below in the show notes of other ways you can get visible other than social media, because let's face it, it's noisy. A lot of times people are leveraging social media to be entertained. They're using it to escape, to procrastinate. They're not necessarily going there because they want to learn something. I heard an analogy not long ago that, you know, it's kind of like the difference between an encyclopedia and a TED talk. You know, what's that difference? An encyclopedia is presenting you information, but if you're listening to a TED talk, you're getting that emotion, you're getting that connection. You're really going along on the journey.

Amy [00:06:12]:

Yes. You're learning something. You're taking a lesson away, but it's presented in a different manner. So don't always just be an encyclopedia posting how to content, sharing how to's in your emails. No. Sometimes you just have to be a human and you have to figure out how to stand out in other places. It's not just about social media. So really diving into and going back to the basics of who, because once you know who, all right, this primes us for that funnel.

Amy [00:06:51]:

That's all lead generation is. It's the process of going from follower to buyer through that sales cycle. And again, I've got an episode on that which I will link below, demystifying that sales cycle. How do we move someone from follower to buyer in a way that generates clients on repeat over and over and over. It's important that you have that clear understanding of your sales cycle, because when you have that clear understanding, you know who you're speaking to so that you can position yourself strategically. This is not about being everywhere, it is about being intentional. And this is where the data is key. And this is what I love.

Amy [00:07:48]:

So you have so many analytics right now at your fingertips within your business. And the first place I want you to start to get curious is with your email list. I want you to go through and look at who is opening up your emails, who's opening them. You can easily find this data in any email provider. And what I want you to do is ask yourself, okay, are the people that are opening my emails on a regular basis, are they aligned potential clients? Because if the answer is no, that's okay. That's information that you can then use to shift your messaging. Or maybe you've undergone a big pivot or rebrand within your company and you have a lot of old followers. Old people? That.

Amy [00:08:42]:

Old people. That sounds terrible, right? No. People in your email list that may have opted in for a different part of your business when you were doing something different. And that's okay. But what we need to do is figure out ways to position ourselves then in front of our new ideal clients so that we can attract them, so that we can draw them in and start to nurture. Because so often what happens when we're doing lead generation is we focused on the visibility piece. We focus on how can I get seen? Because I need more. I need more followers.

Amy [00:09:21]:

I need more engagement. I need more people on my list. But are you actually taking the time to nurture those that are already opted into your email list? That's the low hanging fruit. And we're so often focused on more, more that we forget about those that are already there. Those are the warm leads. Those are the ones that have already said yes. So they've already said yes once. So what can we do then, as an entrepreneur to nurture them, to make them feel seen, heard, validated, to build that know, like and trust factor, because that is going to increase the value.

Amy [00:10:07]:

So even if they don't need you right now, you're staying top of mind. So that when they are ready to move, when they are ready to buy, you are the obvious solution to the problem that they have. Because you made them feel seen. You made them know that. Hey, you followed me on social media. Thanks. Thank you. I'm here for you.

Amy [00:10:30]:

What are your challenges right now, because you can use that again, it's data to develop content for them. This is exactly what I did when I posted that poll on Instagram. What it did was two things. Number one, it created awareness for the podcast here. Number two, it's delivering you value. It's delivering you the resource that you need to help you overcome a challenge that you're facing right now in your business. So even in Instagram, even social media, no matter what platform, LinkedIn has this, Instagram has this. Go into those analytics and see what is resonating.

Amy [00:11:20]:

What is resonating with your ideal clients. See who is answering those polls are the people answering the polls of my ideal clients. What does my ideal client have to say is, a lot of times this is the one mistake I see people make with polls. They're putting a poll up there and they're like, oh, well, everybody said this, so it must be that. Okay, well, look at who's responding. Go in, just kind of creep on their profile. See are they an aligned fit to work with me? Would this person be a great fit? Because it's not about being salesy. It's not about being sleazy.

Amy [00:11:58]:

It's literally that you have this solution to a problem and challenge that they're facing. So you're simply serving. You're serving them. You're helping them get what they want. That mindset shift with sales is huge. It is an invitation. It is an invitation to solve the problems that they have. And a lot of times people get in their heads, we get so wrapped up in, I don't want to be a bother, or what if somebody says no? Then it's a rejection of me.

Amy [00:12:36]:

Think of it this way. If I were to come up to you and say, hey, do you want to stick a gum? And you said, no, thanks, am I literally going to spiral out of control and be like, oh, my gosh, she hates me. Gosh, she doesn't want the stick of gum and. But that's what we do with sales, right? When somebody says no or when somebody doesn't buy, we're like, oh, my gosh, maybe I should just burn it all down to the ground. Maybe I need to do something different. Maybe I need to give it all away for free. Maybe I need to lower my prices. We go on this spiral out of control.

Amy [00:13:08]:

And let me tell you, we've all been there, myself included. So this really is where the self awareness piece comes into play as an entrepreneur, as a business owner. So lead generation isn't about always getting more. It's about getting seen in the right places by the right people. There are so many ways to go about it. There is no one right way or wrong way. I want you to leverage the data at hand to see what's resonating and double down there. Go to your current clients, ask them, hey, where did you find me? I actually have this as a question on my client intake sheet.

Amy [00:14:00]:

Because what this does is it tells me exactly where I need to focus my time and energy. And another really undervalued tool. I want you to start attaching UTMs. Utm. I don't even know what that stands for. It's like universal tracking metrics or something. It's a little snippet of code and it's so easy to add. If you drop into my DM's, I will walk you through this.

Amy [00:14:31]:

Or maybe you want an episode on this, let me know. But what a UTM does is it allows me to see exactly where traffic is coming from. So if someone entered my world via a free book opt in that I promoted at a conference, or if somebody opted into my world, like if you click on an opt in in the show notes, I can tell that you came from the podcast. I can see where traffic is coming from, where I am getting noticed. Because what that does is it allows me to double down there again, being intentional, being strategic, by leveraging the data at hand. It's all about working smarter, friend. So take the time and unpack that ideal client and then get curious. Brainstorm different ways you can position yourself in front of that ideal client and then take the time to develop a nurture plan.

Amy [00:15:39]:

Those are the three steps. That's as easy as it is. Lead generation does not have to be this overly complicated process. It just involves getting creative and I standing out in a noisy world because there's people right now looking for you. So get out there and start selling. I am here cheering for you. And until next time, cheers to making the money you want so you can create the impact you desire.


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